Monday, April 26, 2010
SURPRISE!!said JR when he pulled out a pink rose from my back when he was hugging me... I was dumbfounded. Really shocked, I stared at the pretty rose then right back to his gorgeous face. I nearly teared with joy and melted into his arms with more hugs and kisses. =) Such a pleasant surprise I must say... THANKS DEAR FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME...

You're always there when i needed you, wiping off my tears when i miss you too much. You're always encouraging me when i feel hopeless and at the brim of giving up. You get so heartbroken when im sick. You NEVER fails to bring a smile to my face and make me laugh. You're more than I can ever ask for. You're my JR, my gorgeous bf, my perfect husband and most importantly, you are my everything, my life.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Hey there anyone who's reading my blog... Joanne is in a story-telling mood today, so let me tell you a story.Once upon a time, in a modernised world,A girl in an oversized black shirt who belongs to her bf's, board a bus down memory lane,but one thing remains,she's still alone.She was torn apart once,but wished for no more.The scene looks so familar,but she dare not think any further.As the thoughts finally got to her,she tasted tears in her throat, the salty, choking tears.She alighted at the stop,with radio blasting from her headphones.'Straight through the heart, Cant stop the bleeding' the lyric says.Acappella accompanied her down the dim lighted and narrow walkway.An urge of standing just in the middle of the busy road when the man turns red.So the girl in black went back to the empty dark house. With quiet footsteps, she walked barefoot in the empty house,she endured the cold bath which left her heart cold and as empty as the house she is in. This could have happened to me, but i got selfish and seek help before i fell into the bottomless pit of emo'ness. But sometimes being ignorant is a better choice.
I love roses, but with roses, comes the thorns too.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
SCREAM LOUDLY~ JOANNE SPENT ALMOST 100 dollars on shopping today!!
She is so broke right now, she even borrowed 25 from her colleague to buy a dress! Thats so not right. What has the world become!! ok, im abit agitated, cuz apparently, ya, i spent too much today, FAR FAR too much. Shopping with ros and ellis is DANGEROUS! Hahax, seriously, every time i go out with either ellis or ros, i will spent money on needless things like clothes, accessories or shoes. DAMN. Rofl.
No. 1 - Rubi's high heel black wedges ($30)
Reason - found it very cute, ellis told me it suits me. =D
No. 2 - Fox yellow tank top ($15)
Reason - Ellis say i could get it cheaper if she bought another shirt
No. 3 - Grey cloth dress ($25)
Reason - It looked nice and greek-like. Agreed by ros and her friend.
Yea, i spent quite alot today on clothes. Argh. I kept on swearing im not going to buy anything, but the next minute you saw me trying on some gorgeous shirt or something. Whats wrong with me? I'll push the blame to my bf, cuz i miss him to much. Lol. Partly. Im serious. I got the tendency to do that all the time.
Im broke and angry at myself. Period. But im soo gonna show it off to my bf tmr~ Hahax.

The picture speaks a million words. =)
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Time flies when you're happy, really have to apologised to my colleagues and i/c for getting sick at the wrong time when the clinic is very bz. We have work hard and work together to obtain a harmonious and happy working environment, im really proud of the clinic 5 nurses. But we have become less united as people come and go, its hard for us to build up the unity in our clinic anymore, such a shame. As long as we tried our best, no one can say much. I love u guys~ Janice, Evelyn, Leong, Big joanne, yaty, ellis, rosalie, yang min. Pray that we will stay lively and happy working with each other!!
I miss my girlfriends~ Jael, shasha, esther, raylie and vivian. Haven seen them for ages! Haven have the time to really catch up with them. =p My bad.And of cuz, my sweet little bunny, which i can never get enough of. =) I love my life now. I feel really blessed to have my love ones all around me, giving me the support i needed. WHO SAYS SIMPLE LIFE IS BORING? Let Joanne prove u wrong.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
My life starts with you and ends with you. Love you too much to let go. Sweetly touched by you so many times, nothing matters anymore as long you are by my side, with you nothing i will fear.

Low Jinrong, will you take Joanne ng to be your lawfully wedded wife? CAUSE SHE FREAKINGLY WANTS TO! ^^
Conclusion, Joanne is crazily in love... I miss him so much even though he just left the house. No one can love me more than him, nothing can stop me from loving him. Nothing.
Was emo when he was about to leave the hus, even though I know its wrong to do so. I wished he has known how much he mean to me. I really is fallen very deep in love with him. My mind is filled with him, so is my heart.
I love JR. I love him very(infinity times) much.

forever and ever and ever and ever, not even death do we part. Ok?
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Small inter-personal talk to myself. I foresee that it will rain soon. Maybe in the late afternoon, depending on how fast my emotion reaches the sky. Emo? Maybe a little. The weather is so sunny now, i wonder whats im emo'ing about. I dont want to speak, i just wan to keep quiet and console myself everything will be alright. 5 years. How much i can trust on that? Something inside me constantly tells me i wouldnt be ur bride. Something inside me is fighting to believe in you. I know it will be alright. Cherish and treasure what you have now and you will not regret later, right. But why do i want to have you to myself, to console myself that no other will have the chance to own you, to console myself you will not love another. To have confidence in myself that im the one for you. Everything is so well, why do i still feel that its not real. I really can feel the dilemma the girl felt in the movie 'when in rome'... Wondering if all these are real or are you just under a spell. Nothing else matters except you.
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Rainy sunday... had a long weekend~ thanks to good friday, did nothing much except for going out and obvious of who i went out with. OH, clash of the titans is nice! You guys really should go and watch it, i enjoyed it to the max, not only because i kind of like things associated with greek Gods, but its also an intense show with alot of actions. NICE. This particular sunday made me think about some stuff when im alone. How much should u trust horoscope, tarot cards or even zodiac fortunes? I dont know much about this things, but i do believe in them for... lets say, 60%? Tarot cards readers once told me i have a 'tai tai' life and that this relationship im in will be my last (meaning i would marry him). I guess i will put some trust in it, nono, not the 'tai tai' life part but the marrying part, wouldnt mind if i were to get married to JR. =)
Yesterday, I read about some stuff in FHM (yea, i read FHMs.), they were talking about some guys 'cheating' on their gfs. That lead me pondering about, to what extend will you consider your gf/bf is cheating on you? I think its personal, about how much can you tolerate your bf/gf interacting with the opp sex. I have been minimising my contact with all other guys. It is because i dont need it, i have more than everything ive asked for in JR and because i will NEVER want anything to get in between us, be it misunderstandings, or jealousy. NEVER EVER. He's too important to me.
Heh, seriously, after so many years of blogging, i wonder who ever read this blog?? Except for ppl who has the same mindset as me can tolerate this amount of emo'ness and weirdness. Hahax.
No one is an island on its own. To be able to live healthy and happy, one has to have someone who you look up to for support and console. Be it your family, your spouse, your religion, your friends. They are all very important and plays a big part of your life, appreciate them. Thank them for being there when you needed them.
Thank you mummi, daddi, korkor, JR, my gfs and others who has played a part in my life. You guys made me who i am today, you guys played a part in shaping me into a better person. You guys gave me an interesting life. With you guys, my life has added meaning and i know im nt wasting my life away. I love u guys!!
I miss jeal, i miss esther, i miss shasha and raylia. I miss going out with my funky colleagues. The one i missed the most is, needless to say, my one and only bf.
I miss you.