Well, i met something interesting in the mrt on the way home on wednesday, which made me think alittle. Empowerment, to give power or authority to someone. Especially by legal or official means. We, as nurses, doctors, soldiers, lawyers or any uniformed workers, are empowered by our uniform to do certain things. When you are wearing a nurse uniform, you are abide to care for the society, when you are wearing a stethoscope around your neck and wearing a lab coat, you are empowered to treat (but who wears a lab coat in public?). When you are wearing the pixalized green uniform, you are supposed to protect the country.
When you are in uniform in public, you are not known as the person you are, but the occupation you are in. For example, when im in uniform in the public, im not joanne, im a nurse. You represents your own kind. Smile when people smiles at you. Offer seats even when your dead tired. Be a courteous nurse, doctor or even soldier.

I had a great day with theresa and karen ytd, even if i becomed the clown for the day, just seeing them smile makes me happy too. Watching my baby sleeping closely, he had a harsh call last nite. Just wish that everyone ard me is happy.