Something sparked inside my mind todae as i casually surf through facebook... Does that give me a reason to be paranoid??
Where's my life??
Where's my friends??
Where am i heading to??
Looking at my friends, they seem to always have a purpose in life... Im alone in my room, with songs blasting so loudly, trying to stop me from thinking. I, think too much.
A sudden urge to run away from everything in life and find something that is unrelated and different. YM n Karen says i used to be more cheerful. Losing grip, no insight and screaming from the inside. Time after time i came back to the same old problem. Back to square one. I want to run away. Badly. I'll rather suffer from depression, the only way i find back the reality of myself.
Too long i have not cry alone, too long have i not felt the cruelty of life.
Maybe im away from You for far too long.

(listen to avril's nobody's home)