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Saturday, September 22, 2012

thats what i've been busy with.

Just as few more days before i turn 23. I know many people has forgotten like how i forgotten their birthdays. So sorry. You know, once you turn 21, the rest of the years before you turn 30 is just a number with no meaning attached to it. -shrugs- Sometimes I'll even forget how old i am when people ask me.

Quick update:
Life has been good, i still work in SNEC, with my boyfriend( no fancy name, to old for it). Attained my driving license, now working on a part time degree. Soon, i hope i can go for my boating license.

I'm turning this baby blog about my life to something more meaningful blog. Mainly to share deep thoughts and music lyrics.

Life is like a piece of music, it's full of ups and downs, vibrant and dull, fast and slow, it is filled with expressions and emotions. Once you've made a mistake, its impossible to recover and take it back. Only wishing you will not make the same mistake again in the subsequent one. Yet, there are a sense of predictability. The richness of the music depends on how you lived your life. The 3 movements deplicates the different phases of your life, infant, adult and being old. And at the end of the piece, you have made an impression and inspired the ones who looked up to you, giving you an standing ovation.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I wanted to prove to ppl im strong when actually i really is not. Im just so powerless that no one listens to me. NO ONE. How sad. Feel so lousy right now. They say being a staff is not about the money, but about the power you holds. But its so not true cause they dont bother if your high up or below, as long as you're younger than them, they just wont listen and dont bother. Shit life.

I miss my clinic 5 girls whom i love so much. I miss my oh so naggy but cute in charge, janice and eve. I miss everything in clinic 5 to even the rollar chairs i love to sit in n adjust height just to scare yangmin when she share it with me. Sighs.

People isnt empathatic, life isnt getting better, its getting worst. Day by day.

Monday, March 21, 2011

I sing of 'need you now', he sings of 'for the first time'.

Wondered y my amped player, which is set on shuffle is playing all the emo songs today as i set off to go home.

Wondered y i felt welcomed by the thunders and windy sky. As i walk home, i embraced the rain that is wetting up my bare skin with my ear piece plugged into my ears, with the thunders rumbling in sync with my music beats.

Wondered what's wrong with me.

Wondered y is today a damn emotional day.

Wondered what's wrong with me.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Something sparked inside my mind todae as i casually surf through facebook... Does that give me a reason to be paranoid??
Where's my life??
Where's my friends??

Where am i heading to??

Looking at my friends, they seem to always have a purpose in life... Im alone in my room, with songs blasting so loudly, trying to stop me from thinking. I, think too much.

A sudden urge to run away from everything in life and find something that is unrelated and different. YM n Karen says i used to be more cheerful. Losing grip, no insight and screaming from the inside. Time after time i came back to the same old problem. Back to square one. I want to run away. Badly. I'll rather suffer from depression, the only way i find back the reality of myself.

Too long i have not cry alone, too long have i not felt the cruelty of life.

Maybe im away from You for far too long.

(listen to avril's nobody's home)

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

After so many months, im back to update. Im so confused sometimes in life.

I feel my job has caused me to have an irreversible side effect, to feel more immune to death or birth. I wondered since when did ive became more 'cold hearted' or am i that cold hearted to start with? If so, why do i pity people so easily? -sigh-

In regarding of my life, i just feel so helpless. Knowing that i couldnt please everyone, i really hope i didnt actually made someone hate me yet. What could one do when someone dislikes you even though you have tried almost everything to please? I dont know.

Its just the prelude of what's gonna happen, hoping i would be able to celebrate and embrace the changes that im going to face. Hoping i will stay happy as always, looking optimistic, changing the life of others.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

It definately doesnt feel good to have lightning and thunders with wild-bolts trying to blast into my house, no, my house is not cosy. It sounds like it just outside my freaking window, giving me heart attacks. Not something i want to encourage for the faint hearted. =)


Monday, October 18, 2010


Hahax, apologises for not blogging for so long, got so caught up with work, inspirations doesnt flow. Getting dumber i think. =)

Im recently trying out a new thing, to be beautiful. I want to look beautiful from within. Starting from me believing it. Hahax. Confidence makes a girl beautiful isnt it? I should stop looking so emo when im with my friends. They say ive been selfish to myself for not pampering myself as much. =(

As much as i want to look beautiful, im having a thin wallet, wonder where all my money goes. Haha. Sharts. Being vain sure need some sacrificing. Lol. I wanna take up a new hobby. Suggestion anyone?

Her '
superwoman 23

her family
her dog
her friends
to be loved
say lame jokes that ppl dun laugh at

earn more money so that i cn have..
more vacations/holidays
get my driving license
have a dog
to never have to hurt anyone again
to love again
to get married to him
to be able to lead a happy life
to smile everyday

being hurt and vice versa
being hated/ignored
being dumped
crying/making ppl cry

the melodies'

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

exits '
travelled places '